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Miki Kashtan, Emma Quayle & Eddy Quinn

Miki Kashtan

Miki Kashtan

Miki Kashtan is a co-founder of Bay Area Nonviolent Communication (BayNVC) and of the Nonviolent Global Liberation community (NGL). Miki focuses strongly on how, in times of global crisis, we can mobilize together to increase the chances of a livable future using collaborative tools based on the principles of Nonviolent Communication. Her latest book, The Highest Common Denominator: Using Convergent Facilitation to Reach Breakthrough Collaborative Decisions (2021) delves deeply into how collaborative decisions can be made within groups without having to wait for all of us to be transformed.

Miki blogs at The Fearless Heart and her articles have appeared in the New York Times ("Want Teamwork? Encourage Free Speech"), Tikkun, Waging Nonviolence, Shareable, Peace and Conflict, and elsewhere. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from UC Berkeley. 


Emma Quayle

Emma is a founding member of the Nonviolent Global Liberation (NGL) community and has been applying and experimenting with the framework since 2017. Her explorations began in a community and organisational context and then moved to working with individuals. In parallel, she embarked on a deeper engagement with Arnina’s body of work, The Compass, and took a lead in holding the integration between The Compass and the NGL framework as a whole. These efforts then pushed forward the development, deepening, and naming of the “Vision Mobilization Framework” in collaboration with Miki and Verene Nicolas. Emma holds coaching calls for Vision Mobilisation (VM) within NGL which is gradually nurturing the potential of more VM facilitators to bring this work to the world as a rapid path of increasing capacity to respond to current global needs. 

Eddy Quinn

Eddy is a member of the Nonviolent Global Liberation (NGL) Community and is passionate about carrying forth and stewarding Marshall’s vision of NVC and in particular in how it is expressed through Miki’s work within the NGL Framework. Like most people in NGL he is particularly interested in how the principles of nonviolence can be embedded in the operation of human systems and support groups to function in choice, togetherness and flow. Within this a recent area of his focus has been supporting the articulation of an approach for how to consciously live, apply and share NVC through conscious experimentation with principles of nonviolence. His approach to NVC and nonviolence more broadly is also informed deeply by his Zen Buddhist practice in the tradition of the San Francisco Zen Centre.

Upcoming Live NVC Courses with Miki Kashtan, Emma Quayle & Eddy Quinn

  • Come in contact with the vision at the heart of NVC and discover what is yours to do within it
  • Choose how far you want to commit to living and applying NVC everywhere you are
  • Uncover the potential of NVC to materially support humans in realigning with life
  • Take in what can happen when we actively engage in experimentation to integrate nonviolence into the fabric of human life


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